Album Release August 2018

Album release tour…. (I know I am posting in March. )

My goodness where do I start? One of the most exhilarating experiences of my life! After a year and a half of preparation, getting the album done, the major steps to line up a small tour here on the Island, the marketing, the practicing, the coordinating. Not for the faint of heart. In August myself, my husband and two kids packed the car with all the music gear, my newly printed albums & fire in my belly. We drove to Twillingate first. The Earth & Sky Gallery. What a treat. Salt lamps lit, the room full of incredible souls, dimmed lights and the warm summer salty air. When I finished I had some beautiful comments. One lady said “I hope you and your family are blessed as you are certainly blessing us with your music and energy”. I felt the love. There is nothing that makes me feel more joy then sharing stories, songs and energy with community folk. Thank you Joanne Best (owner of Earth & Sky Gallery), thank you everyone who came out. My deepest gratitude.

A few other stops along the way & things worth mentioning:

Glovertown - I was blessed to have my brother and family down from Ontario, what a treat! he even played the drum during my whole show, thanks for keeping me on beat brother. Thank you Glovertown for having me and for the art space your provided.

Norman’s Cove - Good Sheppherd Anglican Church were so kind to allow me to perform and host a show at their gorgeous and sacred sanctuary space. This was a spiritual show to say the least. There was this older lady in the crowd, that was singing along and enjoying the show. At the end I did the Dream Song, I had people reflect and ask if they had a dream at this time, of something they wish to bring into reality and this lady spoke up and said “I wish that my cancer would be healed”. We all sang the song and sent love to her and thoughts of healing. My mother mentioned to me weeks later that one lady told her mom that Katie had a smaller crowd at the event (since it was town days a lot of folks were involved with other events, which I did not realize, so we had 25-30 come), anyways she said that even though it was a smaller crowd she had a huge impact. This made me smile. No matter how much money I make doing this, or how many albums I sell, or how many seats are filled in each event my main concern is that people are uplifted from being there, that even a few felt a little more hope. Thank you so much Normans Cove, my mothers birth town for having me. I cannot wait to return some day soon.

Album Launch Night - George Street United Church - Aug 11/2018

Oh What a night! My heart was pounding, I had such little time between soundcheck and getting ready to get back and to be prepared for all of the incredible folks that came out to enjoy this moment in time. A moment in time that I will never forget. A full band backing me up (My first time ever having this, besides some impromptu times in the past), first for real time doing this. After months of practice do you think I felt ready? well yes and no. Are you ever really ready for hundred or so people staring at your; friends, family, community people you have never met all there to witness your album launch! NO. lol. I was in the back feeling like I would forget every line of all of my songs. I was reassured though when I went out to the washroom in the back and a Syrian boy who I met at the beach with his mom saw me and gave me a hug and told me he was waiting to hear me play. I thought; well come on Katie, you can do this. It was an adventure, it was wonderful brining those songs to life finally with the whole band (Paddy Byrne, Anthony, Nick Bendeza, they were beyond exceptional in supporting me musically, I know it is hard to follow me!). Overall it was a huge success. I was liberated. I did it. My first time. My first album. Although I tried to get support from the music bodies and Art bodies here in St. John’s and did not receive this, I felt supported. Supported by all of you who came out, all of you who bought an album, all of you who believed in me. Since this album was called BELIEVE what better way to invoke this beautiful feeling. Sending you all gratitude and love.